Monday, November 25, 2013

Sleeping on Curly Hair

If you do your curly hair at night you will have more time to get ready in the morning!

With daylight savings over it is harder to get up in the morning when it’s still dark out. This means sleeping in and rushing to get ready to make sure you get to work on time. By getting ready the night before saves you that time in the morning allowing you to get few more minutes of shut eye without being rushed. 

We know that the less movement created while your hair is drying will result in less frizz and more control. Sleeping without moving is not a reality for some, but there are options that will allow you to do your curly hair at night so you have more time in the morning. Going to sleep with your hair still wet does not have to be uncomfortable. Here are some steps you can take to make sleeping with curly hair easier.

In the Evening – First, prepare your hair using your regular routine. Allow your hair to dry on its own for 30 minutes. Once your hair is surface dry it will be safe to sleep on. For loose curls group sections of curls towards the top of your head and secure with a Roller Jaw Clamp. This will make ensure a cleaner ‘S’ formation and a better hairstyle in the morning. For tighter curls, use a Hair Robe while sleeping. This will keep your curly hair secure with much less movement and allow them to dry properly and undisturbed while you sleep.

In the Morning – If you should wake up with frizz and messy hair do not panic. Curly Hair Solutions products reactivate with water so simply wet your hands and run them over the messy sections to get complete frizz control. Allow your hair to air dry or use a diffuser to bring back the bounce to your curls. 

Now you can achieve long lasting frizz free curls by taking a few simple steps in the morning and allowing yourself to get a good night’s sleep.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Solutions To Common Hair Problems

Problem: Why is my hair so lifeless and dull?
Solution: Your hair may be coated by product buildup or mineral deposits from hard water. Try using a clarifying shampoo once a week or make your own vinegar rinse. The acidic vinegar will remove residue and close the cuticle, giving your hair back its shine. Then, be sure to rinse, rinse, and rinse some more to make sure your hair is truly clean. If you suspect you have hard water, do a final rinse with filtered water. Or, better yet, invest in a water softener.
Problem: Why is my hair a frizzy mess?
Solution: Your hair may be frizzy because it’s over-porous. First, test your hair for porosity. If your hair is too porous it means that the cuticle is damaged, allowing too much water into and out of the cortex. This causes the hair shaft to swell up in humid weather but be unable to hold onto the moisture in normal weather. The result is unruly, frizzy hair.
To get your hair back into good condition, apply a series of deep conditioners. Look for products containing Proteins, Dimethicone, and Panthenol. These ingredients help fill in the cuticle gaps, making hair stronger and less porous.
Also treat your hair as gently as possible. If you color or perm, switch to temporary processes. And be especially careful with your hair when it’s wet and most vulnerable to damage. You should notice a change in condition very quickly.
Problem: Why does my hair fall out when I brush or shampoo?
Solution: Hair that comes out in the shower or in your hair brush was at the end of its growth cycle and ready to fall out anyway. Shampooing and brushing doesn’t cause your hair to fall out; they just help loosen the hair from where they’re stuck, either in the rest of your hair or on your scalp. It’s perfectly normal to lose up to 100 hairs each day - all hairs that have reached the end of their growth cycle. If you suspect your hair is truly falling out and you can see patches of scalp or bald areas, be sure to see a dermatologist as soon as possible.
Problem: Why does my hair get so tangled that I can’t get a comb through it?
Solution: Tangles happen when your cuticles are lifted and lock together with other hairs. In shorter hair, you can simply get a hair cut to remove the damaged portions that cause the cuticles to catch on each other. Longer hair doesn’t have that option and must rely on gentle care to prevent further damage. When detangling, be very careful with wet hair that’s weaker and can snap. Use products containing Dimethicone when you detangle to allow your smooth, wide-tooth comb to glide more easily. You can do your best to prevent tangles by reducing friction as much as possible.
Problem: Why can’t I seem to grow my hair past my shoulders?
Solution: Unless your diet is severely deficient in nutrients, your problem may have less to do with your hair’s growth than with breakage. Check your hair’s elasticity and follow those tips for improving the health of your cortex. Also reduce as much friction as you can to help your hair get past the breaking point. Conditioning is key, so massage a leave-in conditioner containing Panthenol into your scalp to moisturize from the inside out. 
If you still think the problem is originating with your hair growth, you may want to have a physical to make sure you aren’t deficient in any vitamins or minerals. You can also practice scalp massage to increase circulation to the hair shaft.
Problem: Why won’t my hair take a perm?
Solution: Your hair may be more resistent to taking chemicals because of the strength of your hair’s disulphide bonds. Chemical processes must first break the bonds before going to work on your hair. You may have more bonds to break, which requires stronger chemicals.

Problem: Why do I have shorter hairs around my part and hairline?
Solution: Shorter hairs at your part or hair line are a sure sign of breakage. The breakage may have been caused by a chemical process, rough handling, or by wearing hairstyles that put too much tension on the hair and scalp.

Problem: Why can’t I control my staticky hair in the winter?
Solution: Staticky hair results from a combination of dry air and friction. Try reducing the amount of friction on your hair by wearing a silk scarf instead of a hat outdoors in the winter. Install a humidifier in your home and carry a small bottle of leave-in conditioner with you to smooth through your hair while traveling. The combination of extra moisture and less friction should help solve your static woes.
Problem: I’m about to undergo chemotherapy. Is it possible to prevent hair loss during treatment?
Solution: Chemotherapy drugs are hard on hair because they target rapidly growing cells in the body. These include cancer cells as well as cells responsible for hair growth. Some newer forms of chemo are considere “smart drugs” that target only cancer cells. In addition,  some cancer patients who take at least 1000 IU of Vitamin E daily several weeks before chemotherapy have been shown to lose less hair. However, it’s important to talk to your doctor before trying any potential hair-saving remedies before or during chemotherapy.
Problem: My hair is thinning. Can herbs like Dong Quai or Saw Palmetto cure baldness?
Solution: Dong Quai contains phytoestrogens that have been known to stabilize and even reverse genetic hair loss. Scientists believe phytoestrogens work by blocking androgen-receptor sites and reducing the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. (Androgens are produced by the male sex organs and are a major factor in inherited baldness.) Saw Palmetto’s active compounds - free fatty acids and phytosterols - are also thought to reduce the effects of DHT by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that contributes to androgenetic alopecia.
Problem: I want to visit a qualified hair specialist to take a look at my hair. How can I find one?
Solution: A professional trichologist is a certified hair and scalp specialist. He or she can help treat problems and recommend how to grow the healthiest hair possible. To find one in your area, visit The Trichological Society's web site.
Unfortunately, Trichology isn’t as widely practiced in the United States as it is in the U.K., Australia, and Asia. If you can’t find a certified practitioner in your area, it is possible to find a dermatologist who specializes in hair and scalp problems.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Curly Hair Solutions™ launches the Curly Hair Blog as on Online Resource for Curly Haircare

We are pleased to announce the new Curly Hair Solutions™ Blog! This blog will focus on everything about curly hair and provide in-depth information, tips and techniques that are guaranteed to ensure you will get the look you want to achieve: gorgeous, frizz-free curls! 

Jonathan Torch, the creator of Curly Hair Solutions™ has worked with all types of curly hair - from a slight wave to extremely kinky and frizzy - and has created a solution for every curly hair disaster. Our natural hair care products perform 100% of the time, in all weather conditions without the use of silicones. They have been perfectly pH balanced to match our bodies to the environment, resulting in healthier, shinier, and a more controllable curly hairstyle every time.

No matter what type of curly hair you have - fine, kinky, and even coloured, relaxed and damaged hair, we have a solution for you! Share with us your challenges with curly, frizzy hair and ask the Master of Curls, Jonathan Torch to provide a solution for your curls. Send your questions to and we will dedicate a post to your curly hair problem. 

Now is your chance to start embracing and loving your naturally curly hair! Style on, Frizz off!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

New Blog - Gossip Curls

We have revamped our blog! We invite you to join us as we share styling tips, solutions to the most talked about curly hair related problems, new makeovers and our new video series, Curl Confessions. Gossip Curls is designed to aid in educating curlies with all curl types, all ages, all textures and patterns.  It can be daunting, perhaps a bit scary when you are not familiar with your curls, or perhaps newly found curls so this blog is an open forum of discussion, laughs and some good information.

Join us on June 20th -